Better than it was before
Better, Stronger, Faster
More Fediverse adventures, this time with installing Iceshrimp.NET
Iceshrimp JS (as I’ll call the current version) is a hard fork of FireFish which is in itself was a rebranding of Calckey which was a fork of Misskey.
Iceshrimp.NET is a complete rewrite of the code-base.
All of it.
Both front and back end.
Although this doesn’t answer why I want to migrate.
That answer to that is simple, I like tinkering.
Before I begin
Firstly, I have to say a big ‘thank you’ to the Iceshrimp Dev team.
Also, the pace of development is ridiculously rapid considering the small amount of people involved, and is testament to their skills.
Add to that, they are open and approachable and always willing to help an idiot like me when I bungle something.
Before YOU begin
If you are thinking of installing Iceshrimp.NET, please read the documentation .
Obligatory Warning I
Note This is alpha (soon to be beta!) software. While the Mastodon client API is relatively complete, the frontend is not. It is therefore not advisable to upgrade existing Iceshrimp instances at present. Setting up staging instances to help us with testing is very appreciated, however, and will help us ensure eventual upgrades go as smoothly as possible.
Obligatory Warning II
The following steps were completed on a Raspberry Pi 4 4GB running Ubuntu Server 22.04.4 LTS
Obviously, the usual caveats apply:
Don’t simply copy and paste lines of code that you find on the Internet.
Also, I am not responsible if any of this breaks your machine.
As I was coming from a previously installed version of Iceshrimp a few of the pieces of this jigsaw were already in place.
Update everything
The following may be a bit of overkill but I run this command quite frequently:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt remove && sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt autoclean
Or if you prefer a shorter version, run the following in a Terminal::
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Install PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL was already in place and I covered how to install in my previously published ‘ Installing Iceshrimp ‘ post.
Full installation instructions are also on the PostgreSQL website .
apt install postgresql
Step by Step
Create a ‘foo’ user
I prefer to run a dedicated processes with a dedicated user.
First, to add a new user, run the following in a Terminal:
sudo adduser foo
Then password protect it:
sudo passwd foo
Install the .net SDK
Whilst as the ‘foo
‘ user and in the $HOME
directory, run the following in a Terminal:
su foo
cd $HOME
Firstly, download the installation script:
wget -O
Then change the file permissions to enable execution:
chmod +x ./
Finally install:
./ --version latest
Add the .net variables
The variables are volatile i.e. they do not persist between Terminal sessions.
For using in the current Terminal session only:
export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/.dotnet
Or, to make the variables persistent and usable between Terminal sessions, execute the following in a Terminal:
nano $HOME/.bashrc
Then, add at the bottom:
# Add the dotnet variables
export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/.dotnet
After doing either of the above, check:
dotnet --list-sdks
The output should be something like:
8.0.204 [/home/foo/.dotnet/sdk]
Install the WebAssembly tools
This step is not entirely necessary but is needed if the build is to include the wasm-tools
WebAssembly is a type of code that can be run in modern web browsers — it is a low-level assembly-like language with a compact binary format that runs with near-native performance and provides languages such as C/C++, C# and Rust with a compilation target so that they can run on the web.
I installed with:
dotnet workload install wasm-tools
Clone Iceshrimp.NET from git
Whilst as the ‘foo
‘ user and in the $HOME
directory, run the following in a Terminal::
git clone
Build the project in release configuration
dotnet build -c Release
NOTE: To build with NativeAOT enabled, the wasm-tools
workload needs to have been installed:
dotnet build -c Release -p:EnableAOT=true
Create an Iceshrimp.Storage directory
Iceshrimp.NET needs somewhere to store media and the installation will fail if a PATH
is not put into the configuration.ini
Any storage directory can be created as long as it is writable by the ‘foo
‘ user.
I chose the following:
mkdir /$HOME/
Object Storage is also an option however, I don’t use any third party provider for that:
Very little needs to be configured (the database name and domain can be set here even if they don’t exist yet).
nano $HOME/
WebDomain =
AccountDomain =
Database = iceshrimp
Username = iceshrimp
Password = iceshrimp
This is the path
to the Iceshrimp.Storage
that was created earlier.
Path = /path/to/media/location
Set up certbot
To only get a certificate before editing the nginx conf file:
sudo certbot certonly
Then put in the domain name e.g.
This will create a certificate and the local files to be used in the iceshrimp.nginx.conf
Make a note of their path
, it will be needed in the next step.
Set up nginx
I recycled an iceshrimp.nginx.conf from a previous installation.
It goes in /etc/nginx/sites-available/
The iceshrimp.nginx.conf
changes are quite straightforward.
! In two (2) places !
Change the path
of the:
To the path
that certbot
Create the symlink:
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/iceshrimp.nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
Check the configuration and reload the nginx server:
sudo nginx -t && sudo systemctl reload nginx
Split Domain setup
The following snippet GOES IN THE ROOT DOMAIN.
(It took me far to long to realise this and as a result webfinger never worked properly for me.)
# Webfinger
location /.well-known/webfinger {
rewrite ^.*$ permanent;
location /.well-known/host-meta {
rewrite ^.*$ permanent;
location /.well-known/nodeinfo {
rewrite ^.*$ permanent;
Check the configuration and reload the nginx server:
sudo nginx -t && sudo systemctl restart nginx
Create a new PostgreSQL user (if needed)
Irrespective of whether to migrate an existing database or create a fresh one, a PostgreSQL User will need to be exist (if it doesn’t already).
Log into PostgreSQL:
sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE a new User:
CREATE USER "iceshrimp" WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'super-long-password';
To DROP a User:
DROP USER "iceshrimp";
Database choices
I have both migrated an existing iceshrimp database and started with a clean slate.
Migration is not recommended yet unless you know what you are doing; have read the disclaimers .
I’ll cover how to do both.
To create a new iceshrimp database
Log into PostgreSQL:
sudo -u postgres psql
To LIST the current databases:
Then, to CREATE an empty database:
Now take ownership:
ALTER DATABASE "iceshrimp" OWNER TO "iceshrimp";
To DROP a database:
DROP DATABASE "iceshrimp_net";
To migrate an existing iceshrimp database
Stop any running iceshrimp.service
that is using the database to be duplicated:
sudo systemctl stop iceshrimp.service
sudo systemctl status iceshrimp.service
Log into PostgreSQL:
sudo -u postgres psql
To LIST the current databases:
This next bit is extremely important!
Change to the iceshrimp
SET role iceshrimp;
Check you are the correct User:
SELECT current_user, session_user;
Apply the migrations from:
I’m not going to replicate the script here as it may change.
Last step!
Finally, whether creating a new database or migrating an existing one, the last step is to VACUUM
the migrated database.
As the postgres
SET ROLE postgres;
Check you are the correct User:
SELECT current_user, session_user;
To quit:
Running Iceshrimp.NET using systemd
I prefer to use systemd
to launch a service rather than starting one manually.
This approach has the added benefit of enabling a restart after a reboot if desired.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/
[Unit] daemon
ExecStart=/home/foo/.dotnet/dotnet run --migrate-and-start
A copy is also here .
Reload the systemd
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
And to make the systemd
service restart after a reboot, enable it:
sudo systemctl enable iceshrimp.service
Start the systemd service
sudo systemctl start iceshrimp.service
sudo systemctl status iceshrimp.service
Iceshrimp.NET should now be up and running.
If all has gone to plan you should see the above when going to the homepage.
Iceshrimp.NET Login Screenshot
When using a new database, it will be empty and a new User will need creating.
Create a new Iceshrimp.NET user
Firstly, turn Registrations ON:
;; Whether to allow instance registrations
;; Options: [Closed, Invite, Open]
Registrations = Open
Then send a PUT request e.g.:
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:3000/api/iceshrimp/auth -d' { "username" : "MyNewUsername", "password" : "super-long-password" }'
Finally, turn Registrations OFF:
;; Whether to allow instance registrations
;; Options: [Closed, Invite, Open]
Registrations = Closed
Updating Iceshrimp.NET
Stop the
sudo systemctl stop
Change to the ‘foo
‘ user and go to the
su foo
cd $HOME/
git pull
PGTune provides recommendations for PostgreSQL configuration based on your hardware specs and intended database workload.
There are a couple of Python based scripts on the Internet but I prefer to edit config files manually.
Put in a couple of details about your system in the web form and generate the amendments to be made to /etc/postgresql/16/main/postgresql.conf
I highly recommended doing this.
Server Load
Just a couple of graphs showing the difference in server load between IceshrimpJS and Iceshrimp.NET
It’s generally lighter and runs faster.
Firstly, the server load whilst running IceshrimpJS:
IceshrimpJS Server Load Screenshot
Secondly, the server load whilst running Iceshrimp.NET:
Iceshrimp.NET Server Load Screenshot
Updating the Blocklist
There was a previous post about how to update the Blocklist when running Iceshrimp.
These scripts have also been updated / added to.
Given that Iceshrimp.NET currently does not have a front-end, the only way to access an account is by using a third party application.
(I did mention this in a prior post but it bears repeating.)
For anyone interested in getting into the SQL side, pgAdmin is a useful tool.
I installed it using:
curl -fsS | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/packages-pgadmin-org.gpg
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/packages-pgadmin-org.gpg] pgadmin4 main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgadmin4.list && apt update'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pgadmin4
pgAdmin Screenshot
However you Fediverse, Enjoy!